

Sleep Aid+

New Look. New Formula. Deep Restorative Sleep.


New Product Line

Day Time Ready

Better focus, faster recovery, calmer mind.


New Product

Time to Ruck Up

Experience sustained energy and razor-sharp focus without a crash.

Be Ready For Anything

Introducing the all new MICROCAPS

Back & better!

NEW SLEEP AID+ MICROCAPS: Unlock the power of truly restorative sleep with our advanced Sleep Aid+ formula.

  • Military-Grade Rest: Precision-crafted with 20mg CBD, 20mg CBN, and 4mg CBDV
  • Fast-Acting Formula: Kicks in within 30-45 minutes
  • Non-Habit Forming: Natural hemp-derived ingredients
  • Zero THC: Drug test safe, maximum peace of mind

What customers are saying

It's almost impossible for my mind to top racing while trying to fall asleep. Wolf 21 helps my body and mind relax - and stay asleep.

Alec T.

Verified Customer

Best sleep of my life. Used to rely on Ambien to get me to sleep. Not any more!

John E.

Verified Customer

Was an Advil junky till I found ROD - great relief and LOVE the taste.

Chris S.

Verified Customer

RUCK UP Gummies - my new favorite before the gym!

Ethan C.

Verified Customer

Be prepared.
Shop By Goal


Deeper, longer, better sleep

Energy & Focus

Clean energy without the crash


Recovery for body and mind

“Preparedness starts with a goodnights sleep.“

Mike Glover – Founder of Fieldcraft Survival

Modern Supplements

Battle tested ingredients

Nothing but the best makes the cut - our ingredients undergo rigorous vetting to ensure premium quality and maximum efficacy. Experience powerful, hard-hitting formulas that deliver serious results.


3rd Party Sleep Study Verified

Wolf 21's Bed Down Sleep Aid was put to the test in an independent sleep study, and the results were impressive. 71% of participants reported lower levels of anxiety, stress, and physical pain. This powerful formula allowed 82% to stay asleep longer, waking up an average of 1.5 fewer times per night.


30 Day Money Back guarantee

Not satisfied? No problem. Wolf has your back with a 30-day money back guarantee - no questions asked. Didn't work for you or you hate the taste? We don't care what the reason is, just send it back for a full refund.
